What we do
High Expectations is an educational consulting firm whose purpose is to significantly impact student achievement through increased family engagement in the education process. Our purpose is to equip families and school staff with the skills and tools needed to ensure the academic success of every child. 
We build the capacity of families and school staff to partner in ways that lead to strong relationships and improved academic outcomes. Through ongoing professional development and coaching, High Expectations builds the capabilities and confidence of families school and district staff to implement family engagement strategies that increase student achievement and improve school climate and culture.
Imagine your school with the skills, tools, and resources needed to engage families and enhance student success, all tailored to your unique school and community requirements.
Capacity Building Opportunities
We provide collaborative and interactive professional development opportunities for district and school staff, families, and community partners. Our goal is to support strong partnerships between home and school that lead to authentic partnerships and increased student achievement.
teachers and staff
  • Building Your “Trust Bank” with Families Using Effective Communication Practices
  • Back-to-School Night Re-Imagined
  • Creating a Welcoming School Environment
  • Building Relationships During Family-Teacher Conferences
  • Engaging Families in Reading Success
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  • Create organizational conditions where family engagement is embraced by leadership across the organization, is embedded in all strategies and is sustained with resources and infrastructure.
  • Assess their current family engagement supports, strategies and practices and understand how to develop a capacity-building plan for improved partnerships.
  • Identify opportunities within their district to build capacity for strong home-school partnerships.
  • Support sustainable family engagement practices at the District and school-site level.
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School Family
Engagement Teams
High Expectations supports schools to establish and build the capacity of a family engagement team to assess present family engagement practices, implement engagement activities, evaluate next steps, and continue to improve and coordinate practices for all types of family engagement. We work alongside these teams to develop and implement family engagement practices that lead to increased student achievement, stronger home-school relationships, and improved climate and culture.

School teams of administrators, teachers, families and key staff begin by attending our 2-day Family Engagement Learning Institute. Here, teams learn effective family engagement strategies and work together to develop a school-wide family engagement action plan. After the Institute, we provide ongoing coaching and support to school teams to ensure the successful implementation of their family engagement plans. 
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family leadership
We build the confidence and capacity of family leaders to support increased academic and social outcomes for all students at the school. We begin by providing the skills and resources, tools and resources families need to support, monitor, and encourage their own child’s school success.  academic and social success of their own child. 

Once families are confident in their capacity to support their child, they are empowered to build the capacity of other families. Family leaders design and implement projects that support increased outcomes for students. For example, many family leadership teams design family literacy projects that support increased reading at home. The plan and facilitate Family Literacy Nights or lead Reading-At-Home Challenges.
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Reading At Home tool box
A strategy for engaging families in reading at home.
Our Reading At Home Tool Box increases the amount of time students spend reading during out of school hours and builds the capacity of families and staff to partner to increase reading outcomes.
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